How to Split Screen Macbook With Split View


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We will share more information on Twitter @kingdom_taurus from January 2025. – A way to do a Macbook split screen by displaying two apps on the Mac screen without manually resizing windows.

This feature is called Split View, your Macbook device can operate two apps at the same time without the help of additional software.

How to Split Screen Macbook to open two applications

  1. Hold the pointer over the full-screen button (green icon) in the upper left corner of the window. Or click and hold the button.

    macbook Split View
    macbook Split View
  2. Select “Place Window to Left of Screen” or “Pick Window to Right of Screen” from the menu.
  3. Doing so will fill that side of the screen.
  4. Next, click a window on the other side of the screen to start using both windows side by side.

If you want to get out of the split view mac feature, follow the method below.

how to exit split view mac

  • Move the pointer to the top of the screen to display the window buttons.
  • Click the full-screen button (green icon) in one of the windows. The window will exit Split View.
  • The other window switches to full-screen view. You can switch to full-screen windows with Mission Control, or use Multi-Touch gestures such as swiping left or right with four fingers on the trackpad.

That’s how to use two applications on Mac with a split view.

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