How To Fix “This Video File Cannot be Played Error 102630”

We will share more information on Twitter @kingdom_taurus from January 2025. – When you watch a website video in Firefox, Chrome browser and it displays the message “This Video File Cannot be Played: Error 102630”, this usually happens for videos that don’t play in third party media players.

Like, JW Media Player often displays “This Video File Cannot be Played: Error 102630”. There are ways to work around Error Code 102630, which means an empty playlist is requested for valid files.

How To Fix “This Video File Cannot be Played Error 102630”

Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

You can open the settings in the browser, which is used to clear the cache and cookies of the browser being used to play videos.

Change Browser

There are many browser options for playing videos online, such as Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, and others to solve “This Video File Cannot be Played: Error 102630”.

Choose Another Video Player Server

When you play a video on a website, and find “This Video File Cannot be Played: Error 102630” you can choose another video server available.

Disable Browser Addons/Extensions

The use of Addons or extensions in the browser sometimes interferes with video playback. You can try this method, to solve “This Video File Cannot be Played: Error 102630”.

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