How to Copy Video Captions on TikTok, Which Have Been Uploaded


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We will share more information on Twitter @kingdom_taurus from January 2025. – TikTok is a popular video application with various trends every week, the caption on the TikTok video becomes an explanation of the uploaded video.

Users can add captions to the TikTok videos that will be uploaded and provide tags, as a description of the TikTok videos that will be shared.

On the TikTok application, captions cannot be copied and pasted. Here’s how to copy the TikTok video caption.

How to Copy Video Captions on TikTok

  • Open the TikTok video in a mobile/laptop browser
  • For mobile, change to Desktop mode
  • In Chrome, click the three dots at the top right then select Desktop
  • Revisit the opened TikTok video to switch to Desktop mode

    caption video tiktok
    caption video tiktok
  • Click and hold on the caption of the TikTok video

You can paste the caption on the TikTok video, to other videos that will be uploaded to TikTok.

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