- A list of the best Telegram bots you can use, for specific purposes. For example, reading news, creating bots, game bots, downloading videos, and more. Below is a list of useful Telegram bots, you can open the Telegram application then do a search and follow the instructions for using bots in the application. Best Telegram Bots FB Video Download Bot - @FBvidzBot Feed Reader Bot - @TheFeedReaderBot File Converter - @newfileconverterbot File to Bot - @filetobot AlertBot - @alertbot BotFather - @BotFather Dr. Web - @drwebbot - @dropmailbot GameBot - @gamebot GetMediaBot - @GetMediaBot Meme Autobot - @memeautobot Movies Tracker Bot - @movieS4Bot PollBot - @pollbot PosterBot - @pstrbot URL Shortener Bot - @LinkGeneratorBot URL2IMG Bot - @url2imgbot RateStickerBot - @ratestickerbot Sticker Downloader - @stickerdownloadbot TriviaBot - @triviabot TweetItBot - @tweetitbot There are still many useful Telegram bots, do you have any suggestions for other bots?